I think I've done a really terrible job of staying in touch...I need to make more of an effort to make some phone calls and make sure you're all doing well (and if you're not we can talk about that too). I'm trying to refrain from new-city-blues, especially because it's sxsw next week and Tucker, Sam, and Ryan, Travis, Jake, Kyndra, Christian, Jesse, David, Espada, Nate, Spencer/Nick/Sam...and MANY more Minneapolites will be invading ATX. It's also hard to have the blues when the sky is so blue...and sunny...and warm. I hate to rub it in, but it's been really beautiful the past few days.
Jenn, James and I have been pretty busy pretty much every day...it's pretty cute actually. We've been cooking dinner together or for each other a lot and eating on our porch. Jenn got a job!!! She started yesterday...a really rad looking restaurant not far from our house. James is pretty much slammed all the time with booking and promoting shows, and he just started managing artists as well. Work is going really well, I have a few different events that I'll be managing assigned to me now (Father's Day Olympics (hahaha), a 5k event on the lake, and a community outreach drive to get people to donate fans for the elderly/underprivileged). One really terrible/really awesome thing about work is that there is always free food around. This morning I was eating chocolate covered strawberries and bagels for breakfast. FML. I'm gonna get so fat if James and I don't start running more (which I try to get out of daily).
So enough of all that. Here's a photo recap of the past two weeks:

HAHAHAHAHA. and then there was Bert. >>>
I met Bert through my friend Ryan. James works Saturday nights, and Jenn was out. I met up with Ryan and Bert at Barfly, which is nothing like MPLS' Barfly...more like a long, skinny CC Club. We ended up downtown for some cheap drinks and shuffleboard...and a bit of celebrity. Every jock dude in the bar and on the street asked to have their photo taken with Bert...it just got weird. And by weird, I mean awesome.
We had ourselves a nice little Sunday afternoon. Ikea, grocery, unpacking, Sunday Dinner. Jenn was nice enough to secure my new plant in the backseat. Upon closer inspection it didn't matter, because Jenn and I (mostly me) had picked out a fake plant. WTF? It looks so real!!! And I'd been in IKEA for 2 1/2 hours already, I think I was delusional by the time we made it to the plants.
Other great thing about Sunday ^^^ is that I found my favorite yogurt at the grocery. I was really scared, because I had been here for a month and hadn't seen it yet. This is my awesome computer with a really cool spreadsheet...just so ya know what I do all day.


Anyway. Friends coming for south by...can't wait to see you.
The rest of you...I'd like to learn of your travel plans soon.