Went out and drank too much the first night. I have a tendency of doing that in Austin. Met this lovely man, Brian, sound guy at Beauty Bar (I think). He made me laugh, a lot).
Birthday present idea:
His band played Fun Fun Fun Fest, in what may be their last show as Bankrupt and the Borrowers. I'm really not going to try to explain the show. It was amazing. The pictures may or may not do it justice, I don't really know. All I know, all I can say again, was that it was amazing.
Bankrupt & Friends:
We're super cool, and ended up on stage during Coalesce and Lucero and maybe a few others ???. Got to see a ton of great music, ate and drank to our hearts content, and battled the rain on day 2. FFF Fest = complete success.
Rest of the trip was spent with the fam (Momma T, Ivan, Sarah, Kellen, Randy, et al.) No pics of them? Sorry. Love it more each time.