This is my fifth time watching them perform. I believe this is an accurate account:
1) Triple Rock in MPLS with Sam & Tucker
2) Backstage at ACL for the KGSR live performance/interview
3) ACL stage
4) Emo's Austin with James
5) Today > KGSR studio
She's playing a sold-out show at Antone's tonight, which I'll be skipping. I think she's great, but nothing tonight will top the afternoon performance I just witnessed.
I've had some debates with a few people (namely Sam) about Lissie. That EP dropped and it was like, holy shit, who is this chick who just recorded these tracks herself(ish), who sounds like Joni and Stevie and heaven and soul?! I got that on vinyl and I still geek out to it (why shouldn't I, it's still "new").
Her new record Catching a Tiger has dropped, and it's not quite the same. The production level has gone up, which means some of that grit has been replaced by a much friendlier AAA format...something that'll get a lot of play on Cities 97, or...KGSR, and not just a Current. Some people aren't feeling it as much, and I totally get it. When we saw her at Emo's I think she said it best, which was (totally paraphrasing and half-remembering) "Hey guys, if you like what we're doing be sure to check out the merch, and if you don't like it check out the merch too so I can pay off my label and make some new music (or my own music)." Right? Isn't that what happens? You make something really rad and magical, and then it gets reproduced on a mass scale, and a bit watered down for everyone...and it doesn't quite suck, but it isn't magic.
So, with that being said...don't skip Lissie live. The new stuff isn't watered down when you're in the same room as she is. My fifth time seeing them play and they are so .on. They sound so tight and so loose at the same time. Don't make some dirty joke out of that last sentence in your mind > pervs. Anyway. She brings it, they bring it, it's like some early 00's cheerleading movie where they bring it.
I'd say I'm speechless, but clearly my free-flowing ramble of a blog post above would clearly indicate otherwise. Just trust. Go see her again, even if you think you won't like it, or she's not making the same music, or whatever. Lissie opens her lips and some serious soul gets out.
Side note: stole that pic from John over at SideOneTrackOne since I forgot my camera.
Thanks dude.
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