It was Sam's birthday. Wish we could have had lunch at Tum Rup Thai.
Happiest of birthdays Sam. Can't wait to see you soon.
We haven't made too many, but some have been great. The first one we tried was around Thanksgiving or Christmas...pumpkin and vanilla. I think it was actually our least favorite, but we've made some serious strides. Cucumber cilantro was super. I think the best was the habanero vodka we made on my birthday. It was meant for the bloody mary's, but when we ran out of zing zang we made spicy screwdrivers. Major win. Just bought lavender from the market yesterday, can't wait for that.

So this is something I'm really excited and proud to post about. James and a few members of the last band he played with Bankrupt and the Borrowers have started a non-profit called The Revival Fund. James worked his ass off to pull a launch party that it's out there publicly the next steps are to pull an experienced board together and start raising more awareness and funds to make it all happen. Check out what they're doing at their website.
I've missed you.
So much has happened since I last posted. A few things I've learned: -Dr. Oz is quite possibly the worst show of all time. I had the unfortunate experience of catching a few minutes of it while at the gym the other day and it was mind-numbing.
-A lot of you (my friends) are getting married. That rules.
-SXSW is exhausting, especially when you do Interactive, Film & Music, you have 13 people in one house, and you have to go to work each morning.
-Dallas isn't that bad, especially if you have Leslie and Jenn there. -England rules.-So does Labyrinth.
A number of new posts coming your way. xoxo.