Saturday, November 17, 2007

figure it out on your own

Harsh words you say? Well that's life. Sometimes you've just got to figure shit out on your own...a lot of times that means you learn things the hard way. And a lot of times you can learn from other people and avoid making mistakes; but not always.

So that's my rant. I don't have energy for more than that.


So that's funny.

If you were anything like cool you would have been at the moongoons Honeymoon dance party last night. Since I am something like cool I was there. So was Sam II, Amanda and Jill (the bird). Tonight - if you are something like cool - you should come to First Ave for TML. What's that you say? Two dance parties at the same venue in the same weekend. That's right. FYI...not that it hasn't been fun in the past...but there was something simply wack about Defi last night...hopefully that changes soon. There was also something wack about two chicks trying to verbally accost us in the skyway last night. Don't be haters.

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