Finally, I decided. I'm just going to write a list of the things I've had on my mind this year. Good, bad, and everything in between. Make of it what you will.
- My grandmother
- Family in general
- Chicago
- Roomie
- Esther Eve (love of my life)
- 2955 Arthur St.
- Amazing friends. Lovely, supportive, crazed, sex-fiend, dance party, appreciating friends.
- bicycles
- summer (Best Summer Ever)
- Moving - Cynthia, Stacy, Laurie, EC, Candace, Kemi
- Stacy
- Orlando
- Mazatlan
- Miami
- Minneapolis
- Creativity
- Parties
- After-Parties
- Books
- Music, lots and lots of music.
- Losing jobs, ugh, losing jobs
- money (or lack thereof)
- Red Stag Supper Club (swinging from the balls...AHHHHOHHHYYYAAAA)
- Condor (Condor 2, Bohemian Condor)
- Raskin and Dusick...the aBt way
- Star Wars
- Amazing food (Sunday Dinners Rule my week)
- Mac v. PC
- cell phones
- deals with the devil
- airplanes, buses, and roadtrips
- Mexican food
- CD Release Parties
- First Ave
- Tyler and Tabby
- Summertime (again)
- Swimming
- Brunch
- Old friends (you know who you are)
- New friends (you know too!)
- I love you. I know. I love you.
- Kooks
- Everyone's having babies. Holy shit.
- Photos
- Art
- Vampires
- dogs
- conversations about boys with boys who can't get a word in.
- Mom, Dad, Brother...or the best people in the world.
- raw food
- cooking food
That list is far from getting it right, or close (whatever right and close are). It's a start though.