Monday, May 10, 2010

My Blog Sucks

I know. I never update anymore, which is the exact opposite of what you should do when you move across the country and leave all your friends and family behind. Then again, that's presuming your friends and family are all incredibly interested in what I'm up to...which is kind of rude of me.

Well...if you have been wondering...I'm going to do better at keeping my blog updated. Starting...NOW.

A couple weeks ago I went on a raw food kick. Some of you may remember I do that from time to time. James was a trooper and even pretended to like the raw avocado and spinach soup I made. I'll be honest, I didn't like it.

But I acted like I did since I made it ^^^

This is Jenn's cat Jack. He's amazing and I think if James had to chose between Jack and Me...wellllll...I wouldn't be happy with that outcome. Jack didn't try the soup.

A few nights later Jenn and I went out for an AMAZING dinner at Beets Cafe, which is a raw restaurant that makes really great food ^^^

Hers ^

Mine ^ (ELT...eggplant, lettuce, tomato, sprouts, avocado on raw sprouted bread. NOM).

After our awesome meal we joined up with the ladies for the all-girl bike ride hosted by Fast Folks. Wednesday nights rule.


typoscura said...

WEAK UPDATE ROOMIE! You have been gone WAYYYYYYY tooooooo lonnnnnggggg for only THAT MUCH stuff to happen.

sorry...calling you out. Let's see some content girl

Cody Girl said...

yyeeaahh!! Keep the post coming^^
We miss you.

Cody Girl said...

ps Your blog does not suck- but not eating pizza sure does. :/ Good luck.

cynthia said...

I want to join for the all girls bike ride! That's so great. I miss you too. ALOT

Extreme Ash said...

It was a START. I can't overload you with all my awesomeness at once.

Cynthia - *and Cody - you ladies would LOVE this girl bike ride. Makes me miss you both LOTS.