Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is It Time To Go Hunker In A Bunker?

The hiatus is officially over.  Don't ask what happened if you don't already know...let's just blame it on a lack of internet connectivity.  Here are some pictures that will highlight the highlights.

Self Help Tapes...Second Hand at Unique in Chicago.

Mmmmmm...Pizza?  From a Factory?  Yes???


Not only does the filmy family make sparkling wine in a can...

I heart this.

And this.

And this.  God, that shirt looks great on me.

Oh Brother.

Other brother picks me up and deposits me at a surprise dance party.

Triple Double...Tuesday.


Reflections in bad light and a dirty mirror.

The one, the only, PBG...or PB&J?

No way Bro!

Disdain + Love = A mildly disfunctional family

RAY TAHA...adorable!

Bruce and Lisa...not Katie.

Camera charm, courtesy of B Meyer.

Who invited MC Escher?

Graveyard.  Enough said.

Though I refuse to believe that summer is nearing its end (literally and figuratively), I have to admit the nights are cooler and the sunsets earlier.  Sigh.  Oh well, at least HPC will get some more love.


typoscura said...

Two things:

1. LOVVVVVEE that photo of Munz being held by me. He's so fucking adorable in that photo.

2. OH my god I look possessed (and gross) in that Triple Rock flick...sheesh.

Extreme Ash said...

1. That picture is adorable.

2. You look like a zombie. Oh my god, you're a ZOMBIE!!!