Monday, September 29, 2008

The Great Minnesota Get-Together

That's right.  My favorite Minnesota people-watching past time came and went, and you bet your fine ass I took photos.  Notice the huge crowd down the street behind Tucker and Mike - photos subject galore.  Below is only a smattering of the kooks that were out on display. Enjoy.


ledare said...

So lame that I missed it. Hey Big Head, why don't you get off of your phone for one photo, what, are you ordering more fedoras and ray ban's off of the urban outfitters site or just sending out a mass text about how good your 3.2 beer is? Butthole, haha.

platinumseagulls said...

I can only assume that when you say, "Get off your fine ass," you're speaking about me. My ass is great (Smiling)!

typoscura said...

it wasn't 3.2 was ROOT beer