Thursday, September 25, 2008

MPLS...I love you.

If you didn't come to hump day at the stag last night you blew it.  Guess who didn't blow it:
-Angie + crew of 6
-All kinds of S. MPLS kids I don't know
-Sam (who works w/ Jen)
-a whole lot of other people I'm forgetting because I split three bottles of Lambrusco with Tucker and Lauren.  I heart the Red Stag.

Who totally blew it you might ask?


platinumseagulls said...

AHHHHHH HA AHHHHHHHHHHH! Just swinging from those big, red, balls.

louisa marion photography said...

wow. bold to just throw ryan's blog in there.

btw, i was killing it in my brain. being in chicago prevented my body from killing it. next time.

Extreme Ash said...

I'm a bold woman. We knew you were killing it - and you had an excuse unlike some people.