So, I just bought a Mac, I can potentially do that again, but I am at work and the computer is at home (lame). Anyway...I have a couple minutes to kill - so here's this week's line up:
Platinum Seagulls has been repping it pretty hard. Only dude I know who can reference our now defunct relationship (and the "break") and still come off as endearing. Nice work. It's a good thing we've decided we can still be friends.
p.s. [judges note: I really like the word defunct, and then when I looked it up to make sure the context was correct and saw "SYNONYMS: see DEAD" I knew I had to use it. No hard feelings.]
The Whips would be proud...because Jewnessa made this week's runnings. "I have a theory...part 2" is especially awesome.
Oldies made Louisa a sure thing this week. smiles all around on that one.
Of course she's in the running: CODY! I'd have to say she wins for most interesting blog YTD.
This isn't really a self-nomination. I'm just really glad to see a strong come-back effort from every hater's favorite spot on the web.

Being on the road is no excuse, I was told that today was an "internet day" - really?
Bonni. This blog started with so much potential...and then slowly died. 7 months without an update, I'd like to see some magic happen soon.
I ate a delicious dinner with this fine gentleman and his babe yesterday, so I know he's got shit to post...waiting...
and the winner is...
Naked Blogging Only. I am especially fond of anything posted by Juri (though he hasn't thrown anything up in the last week), there was enough humor in Mike's most recent post to last all day.
I think I get it- but there are like three links to hater party crew-- double check all your ducks are in a row
ps you are cute and dance very well
So I go skating, roll my ankle like half an hour ago, writhe on the ground for 2 minutes, tie my shoe really tight, and when I put weight on it I can walk with almost no pain. Get home, check the internet, homepage comes up, and look, I pretty much one Blog Of The Week. I must admit, things are looking better.
Also, there was only one straight up lie in that comment.
Yippee! It's funny, I've always wondered what I would say if/when this were to happen to me. I got nothin.
...Except YIPPEE!
Thanks for calling me out jerk. I wrote one just for you and it's in parts so expect more. Ugghhh.
fyi: check out the utah pics!!! ok! miss you!
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