A few examples of what you can't throw away and why:
1) Presents you didn't like.
A stone plaque with some sort of inspirational/religious message engraved on it tucked into a shoe box under my bed. It was a highschool graduation gift from my aunt and uncle...I never put it up, but I just feel like they'd know if I threw it.
A stone plaque with some sort of inspirational/religious message engraved on it tucked into a shoe box under my bed. It was a highschool graduation gift from my aunt and uncle...I never put it up, but I just feel like they'd know if I threw it.

2) A ton of Fobia and Iota T shirts and tank tops.
Too many good memories (doesn't matter that they'll never be worn again. I cannot seem to make myself donate them.)

3) Scratched mix CD from my best highschool friend (Lisa).
It skips a lot, but I can still put it on and remember something awesome that relates to each song and my summers with Lisa. How can I toss that!!!

The worst example in my life right now though is text messages. I save text messages that make me laugh, make me happy, and even some that make me sad. Now you get to enjoy a smattering of those (context may not be included).
Friday, February 23rd, 2008. 10:56pm:
Sam McGuire: Im so drunk omfg (seriously though). Wish you were here cause all da bitches be nasty here. Leave now! Call kyle!
Wednesday, February 28th, 2008. 1:27pm:
Sam McGuire: Happy 'im a leap year freak' birthday!
Thursday, January 21st, 2008. 12:15pm:
Tanya De Jesus: I'm missing u and Sarah :(
Sunday, April 20th, 2008. 10:31am:
Sam Cassidy: You like icky dix [Ed. Note: I, in fact, do NOT like icky dix]
Sunday, July 6th, 2008. 11:45am:
Ryan Damian: Forget about it! You're in control. You're a strong black woman.
Saturday, July 12th. 12:57am:
Ned Lampert: You're a fraud!
Sunday, September 21st. 10:33am
Tucker Gerrick: We won at life last night.
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008. 12:32pm
Tucker Gerrick: If you turn into a robot, can we charge people to watch you eat tin cans?
Saturday, December 13th. 8:14am
Sam Cassidy: Puke-o-rama!!!!! I'm 22!!!!!
Saturday, February 28th, 2009. 11:34am
Juri Loginov: World would be a very dark and boring place if the two of us wouldn't have been born!!! Happy birthday dear Ashley!!! [Ed. Note: Happy Birthday Juri!!!]
Friday, March 13, 2009. 5:25pm
Ryan Damian: Sending positive vibes your way. [Ed. Note: Thank you, very much appreciated]
Thursday, May 7, 2009. 10:37pm
Adam Dusick: Dudr I just reakized u ar the s.martst woman alive
Sunday, May 10th. 3:00am
Sam Cassidy: Baaaaahhhahahha! Vancouver is out rages. Getting dragged around by some kinda hot broad. This tezxt cost me eight dollars! Aaaaaaaahhhh
Friday, May 15th, 2009. 2:13am
Sam Cassidy: They GIVE em away!!! I just got two free packs of smokes! You could be broke as fuck and smoke like a fiend in portland!
Friday, May 15th, 2009. 2:18am
Sam Cassidy: I know!!! Life is good ashley. Life is good and don't let anyone fuck with that. [Ed. Note: I completely agree - thank you for the fantastic reminder]
Friday, May 15th, 2009. 11:12am
Sam Cassidy: Spoon me!
So there you have it. A few text messages I just can't seem to part with...hope you enjoyed!
hahaahahahhah drrrrrunk. but true, you are the s.martst woman alive.
I do the same thing Ash :)
I also save voice mails as much as I can-
See you soon lovely-
haha this makes me wish i had saved texts... or if i could somehow save convos. ugh.
example would be this morning. that was a good call right? christ.
I love being the s.martst woman alive...I also love being a packrat. It works well when my friends send me interesting and funny things like this - so please keep it up.
you are so clinical right now.
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