Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SXSW Part 5

The rest of the saga played out pretty much as the pics detail:
skeet skeet made a surprise appearance on the street^^^ the next night!
Soccer mom (or my boys from the AA warehouse)
Joe and his crew pretty much held down this spot at the Fader/Levi's tent daily^
The secret Kanye show pretty much ruled. Some seriously dope secret guests.

We never found out exactly what was going on at this rad spot ^ but we did talk to a guy outside of it who:
1) told us about how he had been tripping on mushrooms for a while
2) bummed a cigarette from us
3) said he'd wait in line to for the secret metallica show for us
So after the Kanye show we went to this Viva Radio party that pretty much all of the AA crew was at. We were pretty much ready to call it a night when Sam and Nate talked me into staying out later (it was our last night).
We started walking to the Vice party...but found this instead:

This little gallery right next to the Vice party was throwing a little bash and we turned it into a mega hipster dance party. I honestly don't think anyone was dancing until we all just ran into this tiny little 12x10 room and took over.

Got a great photo of the band, you'll see it on our next album cover and our myspace page:
suddenly it was the next day and this sweet neck tattoo got in the car ^

The grocery store of all grocery stores ^ it almost ruined my and Sam's friendship

The gas light came on in the car and we found this gem of a gas station:

ick ick ick ^ is that sour cream running down their legs???

still driving. you know how I know I was driving? these three are sleeping (or mostly) and Nate can't drive.

longest car ride ever (well, I guess the one
Sam has coming up will rival it)

we waited for this kid to take a shower before we hit the road...the results ^

truer words...


cristabell said...

you started a hipster dance party... NO WAY!

Unknown said...

oh....that ain't sour cream girl....

Great photos.....wish I was with you every step of the way :)