Wednesday, January 23, 2008

más música por favor

So I've been getting really hyped on music again. I received a keyboard for Christmas and I'm joyfully (if not terribly) playing it pretty much every day.
I've been checking out some local shows...pretty hyped I will say. Missed Bon Iver - not so hyped.

Have tickets for this lady:

And planning on getting in on some tix for MGMT. Sounds like a plan to me.


typoscura said...

I just got their Oracular Spectacular today...pretty hyped. Are we going together? What? What? What!'s tyler's birthday...maybe he needs to go too? I'm sure he'd be REAL hyped.

Extreme Ash said...

I told you you'd be stoked. He would be hyped. Let's do it done.

Anonymous said...

You play the keyboard! I can tambourine with one hand AND baton with the other, so right there, we are a band. Let's do this.

It was too fun seeing you at Umber.
my art blog is:

Extreme Ash said...

DC - you know I'm down to be in any band in which you tambourine and baton! It was great to see you too!