I'm sure I've already talked your ear off about what a great time I had in MIA...but did you know I had a great time in MIA? Photo journal follows:

Mr. Clucky. Duh.

Wish I was there for the real BDay.

Ahhh. Peter. And Bowie.

Wait - Monica knows Muska? Or is that ass-less chaps?

Rokbar...and so much more...

Lex doesn't just like the Cool Kids...he is a cool kid.

One of Many

Skyline Sunrise

This looks so right to me.
1 comment:
dude you should have seen assless chaps muska last saturday at pop, handing out peeps and wearing silver leggings. That fakeass muska is totally trying to bite my steez. too bad for him, I have essssccaaapppeeedddd!!!!
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