Friday, March 7, 2008

It's all ok...and thank you!

My rapid hiatus from the blog-o-sphere is in no way meant to startle or alarm you. In fact - I feel a little guilty for not posting party pics or saying "Thank You" to everyone who came out to Town Talk Diner last week. There were a few notables that really impressed me with their caliber of friendship by making it out - much appreciated!!!

I just wanted to say. "I'm ok. It's all ok."

"What's ok?" you might ask...

This is ok:
  1. Miami
  2. Sun
  3. Sitting on the balcony in shorts and a tank top typing
  4. Balmy air
  5. First class flight ORL
  6. Bloody feet...but amazing new shoes
  7. Rokbar...maybe
  8. 5:00
  9. Chilling out so hard it hurts
  10. Stacy
In reality I'm missing people...but not the place...sorry dudes, it's just too nice here right now.

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