The day started innocently enough...BonBon and I wanted to hang out but we couldn't decide between the mall, the science museum, or the historical society (I'm not kidding). We decided that while it was a big risk the mall probably had fewest children and the most food options. For the most part we were right...until this pretty adorable toddler who had been laughing and running around near us while we were eating ice cream just sat down and started screaming. Then we left.

We went to UpSix which is one of our favorite vintage shops in town. Meghan was working and she told us to check out the new sneaker shop next door. We walked into sneaker heaven. It was the grand opening party and Bonni promptly won a pair of kicks and I scored a t. I also purchased some new sneaks...they will be debuted when all this snow melts. Anyway...below is a picture of the millenium falcon that Meghan has in the shop. I'm pretty jealous.

We then went to the liquor store and met Rocco. I normally don't like small dogs, but this one just sits on top of the counter and acts adorable. Then his owner convinced us to by a giant bottle of champagne (see below). I think it's some sort of trick...

Bonnilicious and I met up with folks...and then we collectively met up with more folks at the Red Stag Supper Club. I heart the Lambrusco. Sparkling reds are so underrated.

Do you think she's had this happen before?

This is why I shouldn't drink enormous bottles of champagne. Someone starts to finger-bang.

oh dear,...i like how we all have our mouths open for that last shot.
thank you for the dances last night darling!
oh i forgot... (reminded by miss little e)
The dances were my pleasure! Thanks for the three-way fingerbang.
this post makes me pretty happy. although, i do believe the phrase is "swimming through gangstas" rather than rolling...
Dude, I look like a pregnant lady drinking....which I could possibly be....
pesky kids!.....foiled again.
nope...not pregnant. Good thing I didn't stop drinking just in case. that would have been drinking time wasted.
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