You know why? I haven't done anything really crazy cool yet - and it still rules. Everything is better. I mean that.
It's warmer.

EC and Allison's apartment is adorable:

Even my lunch was better here - and I bought it at a grocery store.

Yesterday I made it into Brooklyn and met up with Lara, Cynthia's roomate and her friend Nahil. They were darling - let me in to dump my luggage - and we chilled pretty hard. They picked my brain, we drank a couple beers, and then we went to meet Cyn for dinner. After downing some ramen, sake, and green tea ice cream mochi we headed back to their place. I in turn made my way to meet EC and Allison at their crib.
After a glass of wine and a little catching up it was slumber land for me. Can an airmattress really be better in nyc? Yes.
I have to work today - and it is totally pleasant sitting in their kitchen just getting through stuff. You think I could do this, like, always?
Going to venture out of here as soon as I can, just wander the streets for a while - and then meet up with Cyn and Lara and go to the MOMA.
Don't worry roomie, I'll be back.

Look what ya did, ya little jerk.
P.S. New York is for robots.
MPLSHTR is some of THE illest shit i've seen on the net lately.
Kudos to you Mr. Prince...
we are lunch twins.
Judge not Prince, MPLSHTR I am not (though that is some ill shit). It's more like MPLSLVR - and you know that to be fact. I just also am a NYCLVR. You were too - so don't front son.
not fronting. new york rules. but come on... "everything is better" in new york?
MPLSHTR looks a lot like MINNEAPOLIS-SHITTER de-voweled.
that may or may not have been what i was going for
DUR. Told you so.
like I said, never doubted. just finally got to experience.
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