Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh my god, the internet is fun!

Yeah yeah yeah. I don't post enough. My blog sucks. We want more sunday dinner photos. How come you never post anymore? How come all you do is write? How come all you do is post pictures? Does your internet work yet?

I love you all - but damn - you're a demanding bunch of friends - and maybe that's really why I love you all.

Point is (is there a point? yes.) I hated the internet for a while. Literally. I spend 50+ hours a week on the internet for work alone. There are only 168 hours in a week. I spend about 52.5 hours a week sleeping. So right there, between work/internet and sleep - I've used up 102.5 of my 168 allotted hours. 61% of my hours sleeping and work/internetting. So please explain to me why I'd want to spend one extra percent of my time using the internet/computer for any other reason?

OK - bitch fest over. I'd use an extra percent (or twenty) because I love the internet. Tonight (because I'm using a connection card I've got internet) I got to catch up on blogs. Damn - it feels like I got to hang out with ya'll. The award for best blogger of the week goes to mike - both HPC and Plat had some gems. Thanks for inspiring me to stop being such a whiny bitch and start posting. That doesn't mean you get Sunday Dinner pics today - that would just be too easy. But...they're coming.


platinumseagulls said...

Thank you, thank you, I'd like to thank everyone involved in getting me this award, shouts go out, of course, to the internet, high fiving dogs, the Minnesota Timberwolves, handjobs, my Dad, winter for shutting me in and sticking me on the computer, Ash, and all my sexy ass friends.


Scott said...

Use it or lose it. I like the idea of a weekly best blog award.

Anonymous said...

This was easily the lamest post yet. "Boooo, I hate the internet....I don't want a blog anymore..."

Cut me a fucking break. Listen lady, the internet shows no fear and has no pitty. When it get's you down, you can only do one thing...you gotta get back up on that digital horse and ride it down to Bloggersville. Make it happen!

Dus said...

1) Crazy Buffet sounds like a real gem of an establishment! I wanna go.

2) Downy midge story, don't ferget.

3) The banana-and-water-diet was no jab at you. Well, maybe subliminally it was. But I don't think so. Actually, yes.

Get souvenirs from NY!!

Extreme Ash said...

Did I say I don't want a blog anymore? Oh hell no.

Anonymous said...

the internet has no pitty. but does it have pity, i wonder?

i miss you, come back from nyc right now. RIGHT NOW.