Breast. Liver. Bladder. Skin. Prostate. Thyroid. Kidney. Colon. Lung. Leukemia.
Pancreatic. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Brain Tumor. Cervical. Rectal. Ovarian.
Pancreatic. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Brain Tumor. Cervical. Rectal. Ovarian.
I have lost family members to cancer, and I've had family members survive cancer. The best thing any of us can do is offer love, support, and money. Research is needed to improve treatments and find cures.
I know none of us has much of it...but maybe think of it this way:
A night out at the Triple Rock might cost $20. (Chicken fingers ($7), 3 PBRs ($6), and one shot of whiskey ($3) + tip on it all). Skip that. One week in the next month or two skip it. Then take that $20 and go to the Red Stag on Monday, July 26th for By Your Side (a benefit for breast cancer). Donate that $20 to Team Damian so they can walk in the Susan G Komen Walk for the Cure.

This is amazing Ashley. Thank you for the help.
You're hot shit. thanks ash!
Glad to help in any way. Hopefully the Stag is packed!
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