Thursday, July 29, 2010

So so so much of everything

Don't stop. Can't stop. It seems there is something going on that I/we are supposed to be doing every night of the week. It's exhausting. (who am I kidding, I'm always like this).

Had a great weekend...not even sure why. We did stuff and things and it was fun. I went and saw Dance With The One - a really great film my friend Gabe is in. It was fantastic. Last night was the Fast Folks Ladies Ride, which was great per usual. I skipped the fun at Dirty Bill's to go home and relax. The Red Daughters and Sam just got to town last night, or this morning (5am) and I know we'll be going out tonight and tomorrow night like whoa. Right now I need a nap.

Here's a couple pics of Jenn, Rachel and I at a show at the Mohawk last week. We caught all of Octopus Project, and if you haven't heard them you should. I had never heard them live, and didn't know they use a theremin in their music, I'd always just thought it was some sort of synth. If you haven't seen one played, they're really quite incredible. Not much to look at on its own, but really cool when hands that aren't touching a thing make that noise.

added bonus. look at this adorable puppy. ZOMG.


cristabell said...

ohh I saw the octopus project a few years ago.... SO GOOD and SO ADORABLE.

tucker said...

This brindle Boston is too much. TOO MUCH

Unknown said...

brindle boston...!!!!! <3 <3

ashley freaks out on stickers of cartoon boston's. she's gaga for them. she needs some esther time soooooon.