Monday, August 13, 2007

Life as we know it...

So if you weren't around this past weekend I'm not even going to bother filling you in. You don't really deserve to know all the awesome things that went down over a span of 4 days if you didn't care to partake in any of it. Let's just say that we're still in agreement that Jason Bourne could kill you. rightnow.

I will give a plug to l'etoile magazine which I'm really glad exists (and not just because of the blog they did on you tuck). I'm also kind of hyped on Metro Mag right now. Both of these local rags are trying new (if not completely different) new things and I like that. A lot.

Go outside now...get off the as we know it is passing us by.


Anonymous said...

The only thing worth mentioning was the "Evil Woman" remix @TML that punched my fucking balls off. That was the best two minutes of the weekend, other than the short bursts of awesomeness felt at the Northeast Waterpark on the waterslides.

typoscura said...

what....Pizza party?