Saturday, August 18, 2007

Monster Mash

Why is it that slow computers make you want to bash your brain in??? I expect instantaneous that too much to ask? I don't think so.

My life is so busy it makes me want to scream. Trying to stay in touch with old friends, new friends, old employers, current employers...going to weddings, going to bachelorette parties, going to engagement things...looking for apts/houses, looking for a new job, looking for a job with the new company...keeping in touch with my mom, my dad, my brother, my grandparents...going to chicago, go to puerto rico, not having any money...
I'm over being busy; too much is being put in without enough of a payoff right now. Of course as I say that I'm confirming with people via the magic of wireless telephone technology that I will be going out with them tomorrow night. I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't double booked at all times...maybe enjoy it?

I'm sure you've already seen it; but I was reminded of it twice today so I thought I'd make sure to mention zeitgeist the should watch it; but remember...everyone's got an agenda.

1 comment:

typoscura said...

Um yeah, uh....I already blogged about yeah, um.....somebody is snoozing.....Seriously though....did you watch that shit yet?