Monday, June 29, 2009

Sweaty, Music-y Nights with Friends

Varsity Theatre.
June 23rd, 2009.

Sold the fuck out.

So what do Jen, Louisa, and I all seperately do...we scrounge, we hunt, we call in favors...and we get tickets! (THANK YOU JEN)!

Plan of action:
1) Meet Abby, Stensby, and Louisa for drinks at The Saloon. Remember to have only 1 drink at The Saloon, because their mixed drinks will destroy your brain (they're that strong).
2) Bike to The Varsity with said company. Get pizza to avoid major "wastedness" later in the night.
3) Surprise visit from Mr. Damiano. Grab a drink at the Kitty Cat Klub. It's his friend Alicia's Birthday today...she's his here's a shout to her!
4) Meet Jen, her brother Ben, and their friend Dan outside. Get ticket. Walk inside. Get Strongbow (lifesaver of the show).
5) Realize a few things:
a) this night is going to rule
b) it's about 110 degrees inside the Varsity
c) this night is going to rule

Met up with Christian at the show:

Pre-music (and major sweat fest). Dan, Ben and the lovely Jen Kuhn> (notice the Strongbow in the picture above and below...this is incredibly important to our survival).

Christian and I...I know that looks like a fake/forced smile. It was not. I was really that excited.

Condor I and Condor II. We really don't look that much alike. (Yes, we are both short, we both have big boobs, we both have brown hair and hazel eyes, and sometimes we both wear glasses (and colorful headbands)) but we really don't look that much alike. Look!!!

Christian and Abby...doing what they do...prepping for awesomenes. In this photo PBR has replaced the Strongbow. There have been about a 5 minute elapse between the earlier photo. It was that hot.

AHHHHHH HHHHAAAAAA. The reason all of these great people are in the same HOT place at the same exact moment in time...PHOENIX!!!!

All in all:
Amazing show.
Amazing friends.
Lots of drinks.
I haven't had that much fun at a show in a long time (with maybe Rock the Garden as an exception - but that's more a fest than a show?).
Post-show we biked over to Triple Rock for the ever-popular Triple Double. Drank a bunch more, almost went late-night swimming, and almost got last call at Clubhouse Jager. As Abby, Louisa, and I were biking back up Washington some dudes yelled "Hottest bikers ever!"
You can't beat a night like that.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday Parties (and I'm not a stalker)

This was my night last night:

The birthday gurrllll (Tania)^ and I
Kirsten working it ^

Nora and Darryl...white girls can dance (haha).^

This guy wasn't there (I didn't make him come get a drink)^

yeah. those are girls on a bar at sneaky pete's. not surprised.

so, I didn't get a pic with him (what was I thinking???) but one of the owners of sneaky pete's looks just like bret michaels had a love affair with jake the snake and crocodile dundee.


= Magic.
not that this matters to anyone...but I really had NO idea that jennings, brandon, mike and danielle were going to be there. I'm not fucking psychic, and I'm sure as hell not a stalker. Just had to get that off my chest.
Next time (since I do go there for work) I'll try and snap a pic of the aforementioned love child/bartender.
Also, Monday nights at Aqua are latin night. Go there, get asked to dance by an elderly (55+) gentlemen (repeatedly), and learn to salsa. Or don't. It's your call.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Love these guys

So Laurie is in town, but has a crazy schedule and I may not get to see her...not awesome.
Sam is not in town, but I will call him drunkenly asking for advice...bad move. As Tucker pointed out, he's the youngest and least experienced of all of us, and he'll encourage you to do anything. I think this is maybe why I call him for advice.

Love these guys.
Can't wait for July 1st - July 7th.
Matt Ford?!?!
Charles Tommerdahl!?!?!?!?
Can we get all of us at the same place at the same time? Probably not, but I'm going to try.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Great Day (continued)

The good mood continues (and why shouldn't it)

Things I like:
*Facebook working on my computer again. (lame)
**Twins games with Ryan Damian. Even if we only see 3 innings.

***Friends helping me fix my computer woes (thank you Laurie and Kyndra).

****Having ANOTHER night off. Celebrations with some of my favorite babes to follow!
(Note: this photo is from their birthday party in 2006! Weird).
***Balmy, sweaty, humid summer days in Minnesota (with an ice cold drink).
**Hearing about Jenning's girlfriend, even if I don't get to see her (them).

*Travel plans that are shaping up perfectly.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Loving this...

I geek out on a daily basis at Yimmys Yayo. You should too.

They're not all (or even mostly) black and white. Just what I really liked today (with Liberte as an exception). Hope you like.

Excuses (and a great day)

So I have yet to post BOTW. I'm sorry. I've been reading all your blogs, but I'm having some serious computer issues that I can't seem to fix.

#1 Video and music streaming have now been blocked at work. Since a lot of you post things I'd like to stream I have to wait to post-work hours to do this. In case you don't know - that can often mean 3am.

#2 We don't have internet at home. So 3am internet sessions are just not happening.

#3 I like doing BOTW with photos, and my new (to me) mac saves screen shots as .pdf instead of .png. Blogger can't handle that and I can't find a way to fix it.

Excuses aside - I'm not going to post BOTW yet (loser) because I haven't enjoyed all the content there is to enjoy (yet). Right now it looks like
Roomie has a solid lead (is that pretentious)? I think Scott might have a close second (but I don't really know because I haven't watched anything "stream-necessary" yet).

This is a picture from Arizona. Mike and I took a trip down on Thanksgiving two years ago (really - is that right???) and we went exploring. It was amazing and really fun, just an awesome time and a really happy place.
I'm feeling like I'm in a really awesome happy place now too. Glad for it all friends (thanks).

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dear Media Star,

Please start using direct deposit.

I'm really sick of waiting for my paycheck to clear so I can buy my ticket to NYC!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Ned, Sam, and Aaron...welcome to Vision Quest Kickoff

If you don't know that Sam is on Vision Quest 09 you've been sleeping (hard).

Photos below of the party to celebrate his birth, as well as the birth of Ned and Aaron. Tucker was very, very afraid of this party...he was out of town and scared of the consequences. Thanks to the CR crew for helping clean, my roomie appreciated it as much as I did!

miss you kid.