#1 Video and music streaming have now been blocked at work. Since a lot of you post things I'd like to stream I have to wait to post-work hours to do this. In case you don't know - that can often mean 3am.
#2 We don't have internet at home. So 3am internet sessions are just not happening.
#3 I like doing BOTW with photos, and my new (to me) mac saves screen shots as .pdf instead of .png. Blogger can't handle that and I can't find a way to fix it.
Excuses aside - I'm not going to post BOTW yet (loser) because I haven't enjoyed all the content there is to enjoy (yet). Right now it looks like Roomie has a solid lead (is that pretentious)? I think Scott might have a close second (but I don't really know because I haven't watched anything "stream-necessary" yet).
This is a picture from Arizona. Mike and I took a trip down on Thanksgiving two years ago (really - is that right???) and we went exploring. It was amazing and really fun, just an awesome time and a really happy place.
Not even in the running! Outrageous! I'm on the road damnit! I'm doing this shit from the road! Come on! Did you read that essay on jeff buckley?! Gimme a break
I like that photo, look at that straight horizon! As for your mac picture snafu, just open the photo in preview, go to "save as," and then change the file type to something blogger can handle. And yes, that was two years ago.
hahaha. I did read the jeff buckley essay. loved it. they did a special on him on the current. thought of you.
we tried the "save as" thing - didn't work. other ideas?
Can you go to file and export from the PDF program you've used to open the file?
Export is something I use to turn Illustrator files into jpegs for work-
i got it i got it i got it
To Change the Default Screen Shot File? format used by Mac OS X, do this:
While you can probably find some third party shareware or freeware utilities to change the file format used when saving a screen shot, we find this simple Mac OS X / Unix command line fix to the be quickest and easiest. If you're new to Unix and the command line interface, don't panic! It's very easy and you truly can't do any serious harm:
Choose Applications Folder > Utilities Folder and double click on Terminal.app
The Mac OS X Unix Terminal application will launch, immediately to the right of the command line prompt $ sign type
defaults write com.apple.screencapture type pdf
Hint: You can simply copy/paste the above line if you prefer but if typed it much match exactly, including spaces
Hint: pdf is simply the preferred file format type in the example above. You could type jpg to create a jpeg file instead of a PDF, or tif, or png to create files in those specific file formats
Quit Terminal and Log Out and Log In of Mac OS X again (or Restart) for the change to take effect
i should win botw for this...
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