Friday, June 19, 2009

Love these guys

So Laurie is in town, but has a crazy schedule and I may not get to see her...not awesome.
Sam is not in town, but I will call him drunkenly asking for advice...bad move. As Tucker pointed out, he's the youngest and least experienced of all of us, and he'll encourage you to do anything. I think this is maybe why I call him for advice.

Love these guys.
Can't wait for July 1st - July 7th.
Matt Ford?!?!
Charles Tommerdahl!?!?!?!?
Can we get all of us at the same place at the same time? Probably not, but I'm going to try.


Cody Girl said...


typoscura said...

"i'm drunk, do whatever!" & "i'm 23!"....this is what I could imagine was sam's comment to ashley when she called him the other night.

how close was i?

Sam said...

No! All I said was if she wanted something to happen, she should send one text and one text only. May I also add that she gave me little to no details on the situation. Regardless I stand by my statement.

I'm 23, I'm drunk

cynthia said...

Get everyone together!!!

Unknown said...

Ashley knows full well that she is gonna do whatever she wants and asking for "advice" isn't really-what she wants/needs-
Do it girl-everything.
You're a smarty pants-all will always always be fine.
I Promise.
Love you! I am just now looking at this-such a cute post-Can't wait for you to be here!! :) :) :)