Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A to Z Produce (Pizza Farm)

Joe and Lauren had a brilliant idea for a Tuesday afternoon...PIZZA FARM!

Directions in hand we set off:

It was a very pretty drive (and shorter than I thought it would be):
People seriously lined down the road to get this pizza.
Our little slice of paradise (get it):

Menu (was amazing):

Janessa, on a farm, in Kentucky? I think not.

Moo. This guy was gigantic:

Drink, drank, drunk:
Then I invented a fun game where we pour wine into each others mouths. When you're already drunk it's pretty entertaining.

Ate sooooo much pizza, drank sooooo much wine, and thoroughly enjoyed everyone's company. Success.
When we left we stopped at this spot to explore:

Janessa found some vertebra and we concluded we were in fact in a horror movie.
Picture perfect drive home.

Stopped at Scab's for a shot of Jameson and a pic text to Sam.
Then we had a dance/shout party^ before hitting the TRock. Check Public Passion in the next day or so for some snaps from the street at Triple Double.


Anonymous said...

Crap! I accidentally gave Tucker the credit for the wine pouring game.

Fun was happening so fast I couldn't keep up with the facts!


Scott said...

Are you aware that I was in Minneapolis a few weeks ago and was at the red stag and was thinking, "this is when I will meet the world famous Extreme Ash" but then you didn't show. Nice job. Also I'm still ready to take that 13 dollar donation.

typoscura said...

oh shit.