July 7th will be my 5 month anniversary of moving, as well as James and my 1 year anniversary of knowing each other.
So. Almost five months of Texas, and I can say that it's growing on me. I don't like the heat; but I also don't like the cold of MN winters. At least in the heat I can still go biking and cool off with a drink or jump in the pool. My fingers don't go numb here, but I do burn my legs and my ass on my stupid leather car seats a lot. Shorts + hot leather = burnt legs.
Jesse Stensby texted me that past weekend, saying he wished mpls had the equivalent of Magnolia's. Sam, I think you might be the only mpls'er we've brought there...remember the Mag Mud? I wish Austin had a Fuji-Ya...I'm really missing that spot. There are some really great sushi joints down here though. One spot is reminiscent of Fuji-Ya, and that makes me happy...but I've only been there once.
Besides the burnt legs and the lack of Fuji-ya, I really can't complain. Happy in Austin, hoping to get back to MN for a week pretty soon, missing your faces, thinking of you guys, learning about living in Texas.
and she's never coming back. All talk....allllllll talk.
I'm not calling anyone out...I'm just saying...I thought I'd be back by now...funds. (Lacking).
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