Thursday, June 17, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

So, after Sam's grad party in Houston we drove back to ATX pretty exhausted. While trying to decide what to do we came to the conclusion we needed a drink and an air conditioned movie theatre. Ding Ding Ding!!! Alamo Draft House. We also wanted mindless summer block buster action...Prince of Persia it was.

We decided to head to Black Sheep Lodge first, where my friend Jill works. We got some wings and split a burger, and then James declared, "I can't wait to finish this burger and then kick your ass in darts."

I can't remember the last time I played darts, and I've never played on a real dart board (versus the plastic electric games).

This would be me. Pointing to the scoreboard.
Because I WON.

We went to Prince of Persia, which was like watching a way less cool Pirates of the Caribbean meats The Mummy. Wha wha wha. Whatever. I won at darts.

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