Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things alcohol made me forget:

1. How I got this scratch/bump on my nose. If anyone has the answer, PLEASE tell me. I know I fell down last night, but that was on my ass, not my face.

2. How I got from First Ave to Crista & Caitlin's. I'm pretty sure we took a cab. Pretty sure.

3. How many beers I drank at the CC? And, did I buy Bram's second beer? I said I would. Bram, I think I owe you a beer...

4. I don't like menthol cigarettes. (but I smoked them).

5. Sending like a bazillion text messages. How do I know I sent a bazillion? I looked at my inbox this morning and had text response I didn't remember, so I checked my sent messages. I accidentally deleted some of them, but here is a fairly decent recap:

Me to Bonni...
I don't know where it's at.
I am not going. Tucker said it was dirty and smelly.
Look at me, I'm so clinical now.

I was talking about going to B.E.E.R.S.
I didn't know where it was at.
Tucker did NOT tell me that it was dirty and/or smell.
I don't know what "I'm so clinical" means.

Me to Tucker...
Where you at roomie?
Me to Mike...
Yo dunny. Where you at?
Me to Ryan...
P.S. Jerk.
Me to Tucker...
Hmmm. Trying to get there.

I was still at Voltage at this time, so I have no idea why I was so concerned with where everyone was and what they were doing. Sorry for calling you a jerk Ryan, it's cool though, you were drunk too.

Skip to 1:00am (and add at least 7 alcoholic beverages to the half a bottle of champagne and two stoli tonics I've already ingested).
Me to Sarah...
haha. At cc.
Get here. They are asking about you.
What!!! Lame o!
You should have come here!
Hahaha. Me too. I wish you were here!

A few things I can surmise from these sent messages:
Sarah is obviously a very funny person (see all the 'hahaha' lines)
I wanted to be hanging out with Sarah between the hours of 1:00am and 1:40am but was not.
I was wasted.

Me to Kemi...
I think I am dead.


Minus Manhattan said...

Do you remember running into me? Literally. You popped out of nowhere at First Ave and were like 2 inches in front of my face yelling "Chase! I am so wasted!"

Nice work.

Extreme Ash said...



I do remember that. classy dame.

cristabell said...

hahaha that was a sloppy night all around i think...

typoscura said...
