Thursday, June 28, 2007
KG for MVP
We all know KG is the man, it's a fact not to be disputed. Trade deadlines were over 1/2 hour ago, and so far no announcements have been made, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that none will be.
The genius that is this photo

To check out the whole blog from Mr. McGuire (and I know I'm late on linking to this) go here.
Bratrud looks like some sort of sweet mafia dude, or a rad male model.
I wonder who did the artistic design on this composition - just genius.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Life's a Beach

I generally always miss anything beach related whenever I'm not at the beach; but for some reason I thought of this photo today (thanks Jessica for your beautiful photos) and I really missed the beach.
I have so many amazing memories related to different beaches/oceans/water that I think I really miss just all the fun times.
Florida - as a kid we went to FL a couple times, did the Disney/Sea World thing and had a blast. But...the best times there were in the water.
Another favorite FL memory - Mexico beach (see photo) of course! One of the best groups of people to be on a beach with.
St. Martin/Sint Marteen - I love this island. Absolutely some of the best memories of my life. Scuba diving, laying on the miles of amazing beaches, and spending some unforgettable time with my family.
Mexico - I've been really lucky to spend time down there on a few different occasions. Acapulco was ok - but we all know Maz is where it's at! 3rd times the charm I guess, because this last time down there was fantastic (as usual).
Next up - Puerto Rico!
So anyway, if you ever want to make some memories give me a call and we'll hit the beach.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
God my friends are creative!
Actually, it was a pretty fun weekend
Yeah yeah - it's Tuesday and if I was any good at blogging I would have thrown this up yesterday...but I was busy (or something).
So Thursday night I had the extreme pleasure of hanging out at Pepito's and eating awesome food (good idea Stacy). Then I scooted over to Grace's and hung out with Bonni, Kyle, Chris & Sam...absolutely nothing wrong with sitting on a porch, drinking a beer, and listening to music. Especially when the conversation is about "My Little Ponies"
Friday was the Soo Vac "Untitled 6" opening - surprise Garret Perry of Burnsville Fobia fame had work in the show (his is the middle painting on this page). And I met Aron, a kid who just moved here from TX; we met via the couchsurfing universe. I also met Erin, the girl he's staying with...both seemed to be pretty legit people - hopefully I'll run into them in the future.
It was only natural that a trip to NE and the the Front/Ground Zero should follow, so Mahoney, Tyler, Stacy and I made an all out effort to rip up the dance floor...and then go to McDonalds. Tyler picked up "Rose the Riveter" at the Front...hmmm...
Sarah and I decided to brave it ourselves on Saturday night; we went to Infiniti - the club at the Graves. Not a bad spot, until 17 Paris Hilton impersonating chicks with Starvos impersonating dudes came piling in. Then we bailed and went to "Too Much Love" to dance our arses of next to really smelly dudes.
Sounds like a successful weekend if you ask me.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Epic Clash of Childhood Favorites
and I don't say that very oftern, or lightly.

Things just brings a clash of insanity from my childhood forth...I can't wait for July 3rd!!!
and I don't say that very oftern, or lightly.
What could be cooler than Optimus Prime - fearless leader of the Autobots?
Nothing you might say. But you might be wrong.
Nothing you might say. But you might be wrong.

How about Optimus Prime...
as Mr. Potato Head!!!
as Mr. Potato Head!!!
July 3rd,
Mr. Potato Head,
Optimus Prime,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Go Skateboarding...wait - do I do that?
Not so much...but there was a time when it was really all I did. A long time ago, in a far, far away land...
It was really weird today - I left work a little early and was walking along Nicollet Mall - one of the best spots to be in the city on a Thursday afternoon in the summer (thank you farmer's market & the street vendor hotdog guys); and it struck me that it was/is "Go Skateboarding Day" and what was odd was that I didn't see anyone skateboarding...NOT that they weren't out in full force.
It actually made me reflect on how much my life has changed in the past few years - it really blows my mind. I wore a dress to work today. I remember wearing dresses to Fobia too - but you better believe I had to defend that decision to the death against Andrew (formerly know as Lurkstizzle), Hunk-Puff, Burger, Paul, (but for some reason Dana Maltby never cared). Nobody looked twice as I walked into work today, but then again - I work in an office downtown; not Fobia. I guess my point is - a lot has changed...but I still knew it was go skateboarding day - that's got to count for something. Right?
It was really weird today - I left work a little early and was walking along Nicollet Mall - one of the best spots to be in the city on a Thursday afternoon in the summer (thank you farmer's market & the street vendor hotdog guys); and it struck me that it was/is "Go Skateboarding Day" and what was odd was that I didn't see anyone skateboarding...NOT that they weren't out in full force.
It actually made me reflect on how much my life has changed in the past few years - it really blows my mind. I wore a dress to work today. I remember wearing dresses to Fobia too - but you better believe I had to defend that decision to the death against Andrew (formerly know as Lurkstizzle), Hunk-Puff, Burger, Paul, (but for some reason Dana Maltby never cared). Nobody looked twice as I walked into work today, but then again - I work in an office downtown; not Fobia. I guess my point is - a lot has changed...but I still knew it was go skateboarding day - that's got to count for something. Right?
Farmer's Market,
Go Skateboarding Day,
Nicollet Mall,
Puerto Rico Mami
So - I don't know why I forgot to mention this - but I recently booked tickets for what is sure to be a fantastic trip to Puerto Rico in January with the lovely Mrs. Gerrick & the fun-loving Ms. Nielsen to visit the one and only Tanya de Jesus.

Never mind that the trip is in January - Soy emociando ahora!!!
Never mind that the trip is in January - Soy emociando ahora!!!
Three whole days
Since I last posted - but I was on a role there for a minute - like 2 posts a day.
You know what's really cool - is when you meet people that you kind of expect to be completely normal; like you don't think you'd be friends with them, they don't suck but you don't think they'll be awesome...and then they turn out to be awesome. I had that experience last night, and it was really cool.
Turns out they weren't boring jock-o types; they actually had a really great taste in music, love traveling to amazing destinations, and were all around interesting to talk to for more than 10 minutes. Good to re-affirm that I shouldn't be narrow minded with people - they can surprise you at any time.
You know what's really cool - is when you meet people that you kind of expect to be completely normal; like you don't think you'd be friends with them, they don't suck but you don't think they'll be awesome...and then they turn out to be awesome. I had that experience last night, and it was really cool.
Turns out they weren't boring jock-o types; they actually had a really great taste in music, love traveling to amazing destinations, and were all around interesting to talk to for more than 10 minutes. Good to re-affirm that I shouldn't be narrow minded with people - they can surprise you at any time.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Places to go
ADD or ADHD...what's the difference again?
So I'm having an insanely difficult time concentrating on anything these days. I get to work, and even though I have piles of stuff to do I check my emails (I have 3 email accounts, which, I understand is a bit overkill); check other people's blogs, check my blog, and then go make food. Don't get me wrong, I work too. I actually have a job that makes me more prone to ADD or ADHD or whatever...I seriously get interrupted 900 time a day, at least. I have a lot on my plate, and I guess I just need to learn how to focus. I'm actually going to quit blogging now so I can look up prices to Puerto Rico and buy tickets for a trip I'll be taking in January...then I'm going to work.
Friday, June 15, 2007
If this isn't extreme - I don't know what is...
Canadians are crazy - we all know that! Some dude in Ontario went nuts on his girlfriend - and the judge knew what to do! Awesome!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
(F)Art Round Deux

Ok - so you know how I said you're totally lame if you don't go to this? Well that's still true...but it looks like I'm the one who is going to be totally lame.
Kind of forgot that it is Father's Day this weekend, and I promised the family some months ago that I would accompany them on a trek to the great woods of MN (also known as the cabin). So I will not be in attendance - but you all should!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
art - like whoa
So I work with this guy Tim who's our graphic design dude. Really nice, his wife's really cool - just chill people. I invited them to Jess's gallery opening and they wanted to go, but had other plans for the same night.
So Tim walks into my office yesterday and says, "Hey Ashley, I know you're into cool art, so I thought I'd show you this quick." Turns out Tim's old boss is a collector and had Tim take photos of all her collection for her records and in case she decides to ever sell any. He opened this huge, hard cased portfolio and proceeded to show me some amazing pieces - almost everything was free from glass/frame.
If I was really that into art I'd actually have known a lot more of what I was looking at - but he had some drawings from Yves Tanguy, who I do like. A lot of what he had was really cool, stamped with crests from all kinds of museums (evern from the louvre).
And then...he pulled out a picasso. I'm not kidding. It was insane. I know there are hundreds, even thousands of pieces of his work out there; but to see one, and hold one. It was surreal. Tim had great documentation for everything - I actually held the note picasso wrote to a friend telling him to enjoy the sketch. seriously cool.
So Tim walks into my office yesterday and says, "Hey Ashley, I know you're into cool art, so I thought I'd show you this quick." Turns out Tim's old boss is a collector and had Tim take photos of all her collection for her records and in case she decides to ever sell any. He opened this huge, hard cased portfolio and proceeded to show me some amazing pieces - almost everything was free from glass/frame.
If I was really that into art I'd actually have known a lot more of what I was looking at - but he had some drawings from Yves Tanguy, who I do like. A lot of what he had was really cool, stamped with crests from all kinds of museums (evern from the louvre).
And then...he pulled out a picasso. I'm not kidding. It was insane. I know there are hundreds, even thousands of pieces of his work out there; but to see one, and hold one. It was surreal. Tim had great documentation for everything - I actually held the note picasso wrote to a friend telling him to enjoy the sketch. seriously cool.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
Sometimes you don't really want what you want. Like you might want to eat a burrito - but you don't want to gain five pounds. (and it's a proven fact that every chipotle burrito adds at least 5)
Sometimes you want things, but you don't know why you want them. And then when you have them you don't really want them. I don't have a good burrito example for that profound statement.
Anyway - here's my PSA for the week: Do you have Restless Leg Syndrome? Here's the signs.
Sometimes you want things, but you don't know why you want them. And then when you have them you don't really want them. I don't have a good burrito example for that profound statement.
Anyway - here's my PSA for the week: Do you have Restless Leg Syndrome? Here's the signs.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Extreme Fart - oops ART with the Hand Job gang
I hate being lost - especially when I'm driving. I get really nervous. Absolutely positive I won't be able to find my way to wherever it is I'm going. What's worse is when you don't know where you're going. Like the final destination - when you have no idea where that is. I hate that.
I got lost once in the mall I think - in some department store when I was little, maybe 5 or 6 years old. Not the kind of lost where your parents call security and you're crying or anything. The kind of lost that when you turn around and reach for their hand - it's not there. I think I was playing in the clothing racks hiding and when I came out I was turned around and I freaked out a little bit. Ever since then I've never wanted to be lost.
What happens when you are lost? I wish they made maps for things besides roads. Not that I ever use maps. But if they (whoever "they" is) made them for things besides roads maybe I would.
I got lost once in the mall I think - in some department store when I was little, maybe 5 or 6 years old. Not the kind of lost where your parents call security and you're crying or anything. The kind of lost that when you turn around and reach for their hand - it's not there. I think I was playing in the clothing racks hiding and when I came out I was turned around and I freaked out a little bit. Ever since then I've never wanted to be lost.
What happens when you are lost? I wish they made maps for things besides roads. Not that I ever use maps. But if they (whoever "they" is) made them for things besides roads maybe I would.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It's noon somewhere
So it's back to the normal routine. Have a great weekend and then blog.
For starters - Tanya de Jesus is in town. if you don't know who that is I guess it means you didn't participate in any of the Familia madness this weekend, or you didn't live with me in espana. She's only the hottest shit this side of puerto rico mami.
I supose I should back-track and mention night of the Elvira before I mention day of the familia. Yours truly got to participate in a hilarious event at the island with a Mr. Benji Meyer & a senor Seth McCallum
Second - DAY of the FAMILIA was pure epicocity. That's right tuck - epicocity. Friday afternoon was great - kids lined up down the block to get in a get autos from their favorite pros. Never mind the fact that I could have jumped in at the table and signed a few posters and kids wouldn't have noticed. damn. kids suck. they also smell bad. Friday night was pure fun and a great dance party to boot at the Turf Club/Familia Anniversary party. ups to vang for purchasing me a beverage of choice, and to Sam #2 for another beve. Although - vang did cross the line - the party line a little later in the evening.
i think the best part of the night was that some chick made out with craig. or should I say "ate his face" never mind that he can't pick her out of a line-up. that was the funniest story about two people I don't know that I heard all weekend.
Third - coffee club turned booze club (sorry TG). When Dawn Candace, Craig & I started on those mimosas i new it would be a good day. now i'm going to go lay outside with a good book and soak up the sun. nice.
For starters - Tanya de Jesus is in town. if you don't know who that is I guess it means you didn't participate in any of the Familia madness this weekend, or you didn't live with me in espana. She's only the hottest shit this side of puerto rico mami.
I supose I should back-track and mention night of the Elvira before I mention day of the familia. Yours truly got to participate in a hilarious event at the island with a Mr. Benji Meyer & a senor Seth McCallum
Second - DAY of the FAMILIA was pure epicocity. That's right tuck - epicocity. Friday afternoon was great - kids lined up down the block to get in a get autos from their favorite pros. Never mind the fact that I could have jumped in at the table and signed a few posters and kids wouldn't have noticed. damn. kids suck. they also smell bad. Friday night was pure fun and a great dance party to boot at the Turf Club/Familia Anniversary party. ups to vang for purchasing me a beverage of choice, and to Sam #2 for another beve. Although - vang did cross the line - the party line a little later in the evening.
i think the best part of the night was that some chick made out with craig. or should I say "ate his face" never mind that he can't pick her out of a line-up. that was the funniest story about two people I don't know that I heard all weekend.
Third - coffee club turned booze club (sorry TG). When Dawn Candace, Craig & I started on those mimosas i new it would be a good day. now i'm going to go lay outside with a good book and soak up the sun. nice.
Friday, June 1, 2007
How'd she get so drunk?
I've asked myself many times "How" (interchangable with) "Why" did I get so drunk? Last night I asked it of Sarah - that chicks was crazy (craazzee). Fo real.
What started out as a simple walk around Calhoun turned into dinner at Joe's Garage and a second bottle of wine. This quickly eroded into Stacy's insistence that we go dancing. On a Thursday night. At midnight. I was coerced into attendance and we called a cab. Visage was dead-zone for sure, but that didn't mean they weren't playing the jams. One memory that lingers is about 6 songs in Sarah turns to me and says, "This is the first song they've played that I know!!!" Keep in mind the song prior to that was Billy Idol's "Dancing With Myself" chicks from Wisconsin are crazy.
A major dance party ensued - only to have suprise special guest such as Adrianna & Co. arrive & dissapear within 10 minutes. Sarah gave her number to the weirdest guy there (of course) and it was time to go. Thank god for Tuck187 picking our asses up - cause a cab driver for sure would have kicked Sarah's behind to the curb. 4 drinks and that girl gets buckwild.
What started out as a simple walk around Calhoun turned into dinner at Joe's Garage and a second bottle of wine. This quickly eroded into Stacy's insistence that we go dancing. On a Thursday night. At midnight. I was coerced into attendance and we called a cab. Visage was dead-zone for sure, but that didn't mean they weren't playing the jams. One memory that lingers is about 6 songs in Sarah turns to me and says, "This is the first song they've played that I know!!!" Keep in mind the song prior to that was Billy Idol's "Dancing With Myself" chicks from Wisconsin are crazy.
A major dance party ensued - only to have suprise special guest such as Adrianna & Co. arrive & dissapear within 10 minutes. Sarah gave her number to the weirdest guy there (of course) and it was time to go. Thank god for Tuck187 picking our asses up - cause a cab driver for sure would have kicked Sarah's behind to the curb. 4 drinks and that girl gets buckwild.
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