I generally always miss anything beach related whenever I'm not at the beach; but for some reason I thought of this photo today (thanks Jessica for your beautiful photos) and I really missed the beach.
I have so many amazing memories related to different beaches/oceans/water that I think I really miss just all the fun times.
Florida - as a kid we went to FL a couple times, did the Disney/Sea World thing and had a blast. But...the best times there were in the water.
Another favorite FL memory - Mexico beach (see photo) of course! One of the best groups of people to be on a beach with.
St. Martin/Sint Marteen - I love this island. Absolutely some of the best memories of my life. Scuba diving, laying on the miles of amazing beaches, and spending some unforgettable time with my family.
Mexico - I've been really lucky to spend time down there on a few different occasions. Acapulco was ok - but we all know Maz is where it's at! 3rd times the charm I guess, because this last time down there was fantastic (as usual).
Next up - Puerto Rico!
So anyway, if you ever want to make some memories give me a call and we'll hit the beach.
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