Monday, February 4, 2008

Everybody's working for the weekends...

So much happening/happened. Where to start? In the past moving toward the future. Ok.

So even if you're not a basketball or TWolves fan (or if you're amberjean and you ask me "What sport does Kevin Garnett play?") you should check out this CP story...and pay attention to the last quote. It actually made my day. Serious.

Also in the past - Mike and I went to the TWolves game Friday...our boys took down the Clippers. Anyone else getting hyped? Kevin & Sam also attended the game - but took off early to haunt NE. Mike ditched me to skate - but I ditched him to hang with Jen and Sarah - so I guess we're even. Sarah and I made a late-night run to BLB. So did a lot of other people.

Saturday seriously threw me off. I was informed around 9pm that EC's birthday would include skateboarding, Wii, and the Red Stag. Fast forward to 11pm. Me walking up to the studio and spying none other than Scott Seekins waiting for the bus. Walk into the studio and see a rager going on. Really? When's the last time you went to (for all extents and purposes) a house party?

Hey pretty ladies...hey
brothers. to each other. and me.
party time. excellent.
does it look like I have jowls? weird.

I think they like each other.
Mean muggin. Fo sho.
Happy Birthday. If it counts, EC's not gay.

Boots. I miss you.

Mike was sick on Saturday, and Sunday (and today). Explanation for his absence in photos.

My family has a lot of birthdays in the first quarter of the year - so I did that on Sunday. View photo-log below.
The drive home...and the hill of many camp-0uts

Swensons. I used to bike up here every day in the summer and buy candy.
Dala Horse. Or Dala Häst. If you're in the know.

We have a lot of these in "town"
oh god yes.
Notice a common wardrobe from party to family? Sorry.


Boobs Pooter said...

Booya--awesome pix. And I'm soooooo not gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, of course. Where are our reggae friends?

typoscura said...

EC is not gay


Extreme Ash said...

I never said there was anything wrong with being gay. I just said you weren't. I think I all my pix of our reggae/rasta friends are really dark. Sad. At least I snagged a pic of boots.