1. Barto...aka Kris Barto...aka Bartaco is in town. (Not home - because apparently Charleston feels like home now). I have had the pleasure of hanging out with Kris two nights in a row...Tuesday at Familia's (et al) two-fer night at the Triple Rock; and again last night at Town Talk. Also pretty excited to see Andrew...aka Lurker...Lurkatina last night. He's going to be a dad. Crazy.
2. STACY is coming to town! (and again - not home...because...well I guess this isn't home for her anymore either). Watch out kids...there's going to be trouble in paradise (and by paradise I mean this cold hell we are currently inhabiting). All right. Word on the street is this...if you feel a little pang in your heart because you're missing Stace - you can go hang out with a 15' tall poster of her in the new Roseville Best Buy. Thanks for the tip Tea. Or you can try to kick it with us next week. You decide.
Hey sucker. Working late? Gotcha.
That's right the bitch is back in town! Briefly... Get ready to tear it up old school style. DUDE!
gotta love laurie showing off her true fashion design skills with that glow worm suit.
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