Take care not to let my point-and-shoot fool you though. According to the bff I am just a frat-boy loving, beer- bonging, top-40 jamming Cinderella in disguise. Maybe there is some truth to that statement, I mean, I do love Smirnoff Ice, Lemon Drops, and the Jonas Brothers.

Something a little closer to the truth. I do love thick ass mochas with so much chocolate it overloads your brain and your blood and it feels like you're doing way too much peyote and cocaine at the same time. I also love the rain today. I'm totally jonesing for some sun...no doubt, but if there needs to be precipitation at least it's rain. It's getting ride of all that sand and salt and the rest of the snow...and for that I am thankful. Even if it means my basement is probably flooding right now and I have no way to stop it. I'm also thankful for crazy dreams in which Vince Vaughn is the father of my baby and he tells crazy homeless people who are trying to sell me three shoelaces for $1,000 to go to hell.
i just realized all those glasses were from my car!
so that is what ya'll did while waiting,...
totally busted. at least tg is...I just shot the photo
well, according to your bff's standards, we're going to have a GREAT time in chicago
Total mind blowing experience finding all the photos from this post on my hard drive, these being the days of our lives that they are. Right?
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