I don't know if I can handle the next four days of my life. Can you?
1: The National, Modest Mouse, REM. Tonight. Free.
2: Cal Surf 20th Anniversary Party. Tonight. Triple Rock. Fun.
2a: Cliche Fashion Show that I can't make it to.
2b: Mondo Bondo at St. Anthony Main and After-Party. Also don't think I'll make it. So bummed.
3: The Most Amazing T-Shirts to be made (exclusively) for 3 lovely ladies.
4: Day of Familia
5: Day of Familia Party - Beast House. Free. Friday. Epic.
6: Damn Am Weekend...I don't think I'm going to touch this one with a ten foot pole, but I know some of you will be enjoying it.
7: Design Fiesta @ Soap Factory...spending $$$ I don't have.
8: Imaginary Bags @ One on One...spending more $$$ I don't have.
9: Mercurial Rage, The Alarmists, White Light Riot at the Fine Line. Saturday. Free if you ask me for tickets.
10: Isles Buns for Puppy Dog Tails...whenever I can get out of bed Sunday and bike over. Want to meet?
11: Sunday Dinner w/ Special Guests: The Best Bartender in Minneapolis, Holly, and Owen.
12: Prince Dance Party @ VIP. I have to go. I will be exhausted, worn down, and probably look pretty haggard...but if Prince can turn 50 I can dance.
If you see me lying in a gutter or under a bridge this weekend, pick me up and remind me I've got a Fake Life to live.

Stole both of these images from Tucker. Chicago Style & This Weekend. Damn.
Actually the best weekend ever occurs the following week, and there's only one fake life. MINE! YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE FAKE LIFE TILL YOU MOVE TO WHEREVER I AM, YOU ARE MINE... FOREVER!!!! AHaAHAHaAhahAHaAHhaaAHhahaAhaHAHAa!!!
You Fake Life biters. Hello, try mine, that's the true way of faking it.
i gotta go with munz on this one...
any board games in play for sunday din dins?
i miss the fake lyfe with ya'll!
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