
That being said, there were many stand out blogs to choose from this round. Typoscura offered a lot of promises, let's deliver on those roomie. Michelle offered lots of pretty things to look at, and lots of things to covet; while soggybagel made me laugh (yet again). Let's be real - Ryan's blog has been elevated to new heights now that Mike On Vocals has been introduced to the world; but the real winner this week has to be the one and only WEEZE! Had they removed the line "filled with dicks" there was good potential for Mr. Damiano to take the BBOTW prize again...but they wouldn't concede. Louisa's blog has reached new levels of enjoyable, pictures, prose, and shitty music lists kept me entertained.
Horse Shit.
I won't be IMing you tomorrow Ash; as far as I'm concerned, your little award is kind of like Best Blog of the Week other that Platinum, chadig? PREACH
i can't give a speech because i'm too busy jumping up and down in the middle of studio vincent. seriously, we have glass walls and all these people are staring at me. i also just peed a little.
thank you, thank you, thank you. more to come.
so deserved.
ashley i think you should get blog of the week
sore losers abound!
and...esther just peed a little too.
congrats louisa.
DUDE GOT ROBBED!!! no offense louisa, but come on...
Wow-not even an honorable mention. I have to step the fuck up.
Go Weeze!
Clearly you didn't look at my blog.
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