Friday, March 13, 2009

I really don't mean to be a downer.

it's just going to happen though.  I have a ton of emotions flooding through me and I need to do something with them, and the internet seems to be a good way to deal right now.

so my grandparents left last saturday to take a trip south together.  they have a home in arkansas, and a ton of friends who live in various cities/states in the south during the winter.  the sad reality is that this is the last trip like this that my grandparents will be taking together, and they knew it - which is why it was so important to them.  

my mom just called to tell me that they're on their way back home - that in the past week my grandmother's health has rapidly deteriorated, to the point where she can't even walk.  she literally can't stand up.  in a matter of a week she has lost a huge amount of mobility and it is really freaking me out.

i had lunch with my grandmother and my mom last week and then went to a movie with them.  i had a hard time talking to my grandmother; for the first time in my life the conversation was a struggle and i was awkward.  the tumor has affected her in ways i can't describe, and it's killing me that my response to it all is a stuttering conversation at the white bear lake movie theatre.  jesus.

so, if i ghost out on life for a while please don't take it personally.  i need to be spending time with her when she's home, and i need to learn to not be awkward and face this.

i am not really sure how to process this, and so i guess i'd like to thank the void that is the internet (and my friends) for letting me get this out there.  


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear the prognosis for your Grandmother. I think the only thing worse than losing someone close to you is watching it happen. The feeling of helplessness is insurmountable as is the pain in general.

My thoughts are with you and your family. I love you very much, please let me know if there is anything I can do!

Extreme Ash said...

thank you love - your thoughts are totally and completely appreciated.

Unknown said...

babe, it's so tough when special people in our lives like grandmas get so sick They seem to be less and less themselves, and then you become less and less yourself around them. it sucks.....

take care girl.

Extreme Ash said...

just want to say thanks to everyone. amazing friends, all of you.