What do I have going on tonight:
1) Two different yahoo email windows open. One is an email from Nate instructing me to RSVP for a show at sxsw, the other is just all of my messages.
2) A FBook message from Jen about the rental car
3) A frozen priceline.com screen that won't move no matter how many times I refresh it. Still not sure if I've actually booked our car yet.
4) The American Apparel flea market schedule. I'm a "tarp monitor" - I hope that means something cool. I'm not holding my breath.
5) iTunes
6) PerezHilton.com - Robert Pattinson
7) FUCKTHISSOUTHBYUP - RSVPing for some shit
8) sxsw.com
9) more rob.pat.
10) ichat from janessa this morning - that tits photo she took of me this weekend
11) Work (not anymore) email
12) download box for aforementioned AmAp schedule
13) finder box
14) blogger
15) notepad of all the shows I've rsvp'd for thus far
16) desktop photo of christina ricci. that girl has a fly body...motivation.
there you have it...everything happening on this computer at this moment in time. I'll miss you computer, we've had some real fun. hopefully I'll have a new one soon and we'll be just as good of friends.
i will miss your cluttered desktop, rpatt collage, and hipster yogurt more then you know girl.
i know. i miss you already. well, I missed you last week, but i'm still missing you.
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