Tuesday: ...likely at Triple Double.
Wednesday: Venue Scouting for work 10p-1a
Thursday: Cookie Baking @ Amelia's Studio with Roomie (and Sam...you're supposed to come)
Then work 10p - 1a
Friday: (See below)
Saturday: I would LOVE to go to the Familia "Weak Days" opening for Andrew Lindenboom, then to the Glue Factory Vid, then to Umber Studio (see below), then to the Lookbook/We Became Actors dancy jam @ 7th St, and then to Let's Dance @ The Red Stag.
Unfortunately I will be at The Loft acting as a stage manager for a battle of the bands. Are you laughing yet? Girl has GOT to make money to move...ya hear?
So, that's over at midnight, I'll see ya at the Stag after.
This Friday, Dec 11th, from 6-11pm there will be spiked eggnog, cupcakes and new "Sinister but Sweet" artwork starting at $60...Sinister but Sweet...if you don't know is art by my lovely friend Dawn Candace. She is talented and amazing.
REMEMBER THIS FOR LATER // new drawings by allen brewer8PM SATURDAY // DECEMBER 12TH
umber studios 3109 east 42nd streetminneapolis mn 55406 www.umberstudios.com
You've all been to Umber...darling Jessica and her studio mates run this beautiful space. GO.
1 comment:
Aaaawwhhh Minnesota-- how I miss thee-- and especially my good friend Ashley^^ That cold and snow can't hold us down! Have fun and don't run out of juice. Sounds like a long hall week. ps the mooovveee-- !!
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