Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog of the Week

Word of the Week: Optimism.
I felt a very fresh posi vibe from the blogosphere this week; people must have received their new crystals.

Really though, I felt a collective sense of calm and good looking at every one's blogs this week and it really made my day.

Ryan. The pictures from Omaha. Love.

SuperBeast dudes/dudettes. The "am I right or am I right" link is especially nice.
Roxie. For her adorable post which led to this awesome site about lego ads.

Sam. I think reading this really set the tone for how I felt about all of the rest of them. Nicely enunciated dude.

Louisa. Damn the girl has a way with the camera (she's got a romantic eye).

Juri. This might sound slightly negative, but I know Juri and I don't think that's what he means by it. Live your life. Ignore all the bullshit and stop making rules for how it's supposed to go.

Lauren. I'm glad you shared some Yeats. Very nice. Pretty birthday desires too.

Roomie. BSE. Sam & me high-fiving. I will own this print, just need dollars.

Crista Bell loves to travel. I love that about her. She also loves hip hop and tattoos and we're going to see the gaslight anthem this weekend. I told her I'm stealing her most recent tattoo. She didn't mind.
Cody. She and Sam definitely win on the posi-crystal-vibes this week. LOVE.
I feel like a lot of us have had a crazy couple of days/weeks/months/year(s). I don't think any of that will be over any time soon, but I'm glad to see that through it all we remain a happy, thoughtful, creative group of people who push ourselves and each other to be those things.
posi-fresh ya'll.
With that being said. It's a TIE. Never before in the history of BOTW have I declared a tie.
Sam & Cody. Keeping it real.


cristabell said...

I am so excited to hang out with you this weekend, you have no idea!

Extreme Ash said...