Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear Temptation,

I will conquer you.

I've created a budget. I am choosing to no longer live paycheck to paycheck. This will take some time as I'm currently behind on bills (and I keep getting parking tickets that I foget to pay). For the past month I have been deleting emails from the following "senders" before even looking at them:

Booking Buddy.
Travel Zoo.
Away Network.
Travelocity Farewatcher.
Booking Buddy.
Outside Online.
The Refinery.
Redbox (New Releases!)
Expedia Travel Deals.
Planned Parenthood.
First Ave.
Rewind Vintage.
SaleMail (ShopItToMe).
Whitley Kros.

I will continue to do that.

I have not bought any new clothing in over a month (I'm almost positive about that). I didn't even buy anything at J. Crew that day with Sam, Sam, and Mike. Sigh. I went to the Triple Rock this past Tuesday and didn't even buy a SINGLE drink (thanks for the whiskey Chase).

I will save, and pay off bills and save some more. This is my new mission in life.

Free things to look forward to:
- Going to the cabin with my family (mostly free, I have to bring fruit and booze?)
- Comedy night w/ Janessa on Monday. THIS IS FREE?!?! Rad.
- Punk and Pearls with Zandra Rhodes. Fashion and MN Orchestra, for free. Yes please.

Other free suggestions totally welcome.


Cody Girl said...

Way to go girl!! Keep up the hard work okay!
ahhhhhh I need to work up to that myself... someday..

cristabell said...

ughh... i should be doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

So pumped for comedy tomorrow night!!! Let's go laugh and not spend money!

Scott said...

I claimed I was going to start saving. I have 5 dollars in my savings account.

Extreme Ash said...

At least you have a savings account.