Look closely, that is my suitcase from NYC - still out, still full of clothing.

I was doing such a good job cleaning, and then these two called and I had to go get lunch (had to).

I've avoided Barrio for months because I'd pretty much assumed the douche bag population is through the roof. Lunchtime isn't so bad...and their guac looks like this.

and their beef short rib tacos look like this. they taste amazing. so do their micheladas.

Louisa let me try on her new ring. It's platinum with pretty diamonds. It's super heavy which I think should be a requirement for jewelry, it adds a rad dimension to it. Also, please notice my awesome manicure.

It's official. Weeze and I don't look alike from behind any longer. Also official - I need to wash my hair, I'm starting to look like Prince of the Night.

Got home from lunch to find the love of my life sleeping in my bed (see the lump).

God she's cute.

I was getting REALLY bored cleaning, so I started playing dress up. I ended up cleaning the rest of my room in a tutu. I knew this would piss a few people off, so I thought I'd take a pic of it. I know a few people who might appreciate it too.


So after I was done cleaning I decided to take inventory of my closet because almost everything I own was hung up or folded and put away. I am rather embarrassed to say that I have way too many clothes. You all knew that - but it's really worse than I thought. In an effort to call myself out and curb my consumption issues I am going to publicly list some of my more ridiculous offenses.
I own:
- 39 dresses (35 of which I wear regularily)
- 19 skirts
- 1 tutu
- 20 belts
- 40+ pairs of pants (denim and dress pants that I used to have to wear for work)
- 10 pairs of shorts (of which I wear 4 pairs regularily)
- 20+ scarves
- 48 pairs of shoes/boots/sandals/heels/nikes
sooooooooo. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT invite me to go shopping. I need to curb my enthusiasm when it comes to the consumer tendencies that sometimes take over.
Moral of the story: Friday ruled. Cleaned my room, had a lovely lunch with Benji and Louisa, and realized I am a clothes whore. I am going to save so much money not shopping!
that tutu sucks.
i'm nominating you for botw based on this post alone.
why thank you darling - I appreciate it!
ryan - I know you so well - get a new routine.
hurray cleaning/organizing is my fave thing (well favorite being the aftermath).
1.You bedroom looks awesome! I like the bed's new position.....really opens the room up.
2.The photo of you in the White Tiered Skirt (not a tutu) is hot. Please wear a top like that with the skirt at all times. Ps, as always always rack.
3. Esther could dog model....if I was in 4th grade and bought 5-10 books from Scholastic and got a free poster because of it I would be the happiness girl in the world to see a poster of Esther's sweet face (not a "hang in there" Cat poster-barf.)
4. If you wear all of your clothes-no need to feel ashamed. If there are things you haven't worn in years...yeah....
5. as always-miss you! Enjoy the beauty of your room! :)
seriously. that is the worst fucking thing ever.
hahahaha i love you and your tutu
wow I made a lot of grammatical mistakes. too much coffee mid-day-
and I never learned to read.
Laurie Gow - one of my all time favorite people (grammatical mistakes and all). you make my day on a daily basis.
Ryan - it is commonly agreed that your opinion on most things is pretty much void, so talk all the shit you want. I love it (the tutu and the shit talking).
Kyndra - heart heart heart you.
maybe i will go home and clean my room in my tutu.
thanks for the inspiration lovely!
hey fuck you, this post sucks, who cares about some stupid movie and a million pictures? Also, your tutu sucks, Ryan was right. Fuck this, BOTW my ass. HATE HATE HATE.
There, revenge.
wooowwwwiiee good job girl! Share your closet too-- Im jealous. Of that-- and of the Barrio visit
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