First of all, this babe came into town for a wedding and that means we got to kick it. Never enough.

Sam and I got to the shop and got to see baby daddy with his charge.

Wizard and I walking to Uptown Theatre from CC Club. You should always ask bartenders you know for Jameson Gingerales...they forget the gingerale.

Nasty Nesser:

This dude took a break from the farm and hooked up with a babe. Come kick it with us more dude, that kind of shit always happens.

Two times one day:


More Favorites:

Then the BEST PSA EVER came on. I wish I had been videotaping so I could share with you the thrash metal anthem about not videotaping movies at the theatre. Cartoons screaming metal PSAs are soooo the rage:

Then the best fucking skate flick from 1986 came on:

It's a pretty simple story, but in case you haven't seen this gem you're going to get the breakdown. Two rival "skate gangs" in one town that isn't big enough for the two of them. Daggers and Ramp Locals.
Corey Webster (Josh Brolin) is our hero. Tommy Hook is the fucking bad leader of the Daggers. His sister is Chrissy and she's a fox. He's dating velvet and she's a fox too.
"Breaking is a memory"

This is Hook. He's a fuckin maniac (from Indiana).

This is Corey, he's from the Valley.

Virginal Babe Chrissy. If you dressed up like Chrissy last night please let me know, my roomate is interested in impregnating you.

True love fucking connection:

and then, in 1986, every dude watching this movie got a boner when they saw Chrissy fucking rip on Corey's board.

Busted! Hook knows Chrissy hung out with a dude and he's pissed. Theory: he's not only abusive, but he'd like to bone her.

Chrissy is defensive and pissed (she doesn't want to bone Hook (HER BROTHER)). Just a theory.

This is Velvet, Hook's girl - she kinda looks like Winehouse, but hotter.

There's a contest:

These are Corey's friends, ready to cheer him on:

These are the Daggers (in case you don't get it, these dudes hate Corey)

Shit! The Daggers throw jacks in the pool when Corey's skating! Not only do the paramedics and the judges not notice this, Corey doesn't mention it. Possible motive for staying quiet about the sabotage = he's a pussy.

After he gets hurt this sucker talks to him about getting sponsored.

Big fat dudes who don't skate wanted to make money and rip skateboarders off in the 80's too!

Corey sneaks over to the Dagger's crib and gets Chrissy to come on a secret date where they eat 13 gallons of ice cream.

Neither one of them gets sick, so they decide to do it:

Hook is PISSED so the Daggers torch the Ramp Locals vert ramp. Dicks.

Then Corey yells at Chrissy. Dude, it's not her fault her brother is a turd.

Then there's a weird late-night fight and Corey almost gets burned alive or some shit by Hook. Cops come. Everyone runs.

In case you're wondering, Chrissy's with the Daggers (the film is really subtle about shit like that):

Chrissy decides to leave town before the big downhill contest cause she's pissed at Corey and Hook. Then she decides she's not pissed and she hitches her way back. Look at that leg out (what a slut).

Hook is prepping for the downhill with some shitty gear. This scene is almost as funny as the one where he asks Chrissy which earring he should wear out and says, "Come on Chrissy, this stuff is important to me!"

The big race!

Chrissy's there!

Corey Wins! The world makes perfect sense and Corey is our fucking hero!!!

He and Chrissy do it some more, she gets pregnant, and his board sponsor falls through because of ankle injuries he can't recover from and he misses all the demos. Chrissy runs away with the Red Hot Chili Peppers (who are in the movie but I didn't get a picture of) and she and the baby are never heard from again. Velvet changes her name to Amy Winehouse, does a bunch of coke, and starts to look rugged. Hook dies. The End.
Then we drove home:

Sunday. Tucker and I met Jen, Katie, Tina and Arthur at Isles Buns and then went to Lake of the Isles. Kicked it outside, concepted video games for Katie and generally enjoyed the awesome weather. I got sunburnt.

Went to Louisa's new crib (which rules) and had a waterballoon "hot potato" fight. Yes!

At Caffetto with the roomie...wasting my life on the internet.
whoa. the rundown was way better than the movie.
thanks babe...I feel like it was pretty great too. I also liked my ending better.
that baby's hat!!!! OMG too cute.
it's never a waste!
Oh Ashley :) Nothing but love <3 for you!
I feel like I was there watching Thashin with you.
ps: I forgot to ask why Rocker Boogers and/or STD out walking around, were singing about the pitfalls of video pirating?
Oh, I think those were a potato chip (with an eyebrow piercing), a nacho chip, and a poorly photographed big pretzel. The movie was at the Uptown theatre, and they pretty much fucking rule there, so I think this is their way of threatening people not to fuck with their movies while using humor. Just a guess.
woooaaahhh you did the water balloon fight!!!
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