Monday, July 20, 2009

Internet Inspirations

The internet has totally ruled lately (in case you're wondering).

...Peep this (thanks Chase). Pretty funny blog - that's one of the best posts.
...This might be Mike Burrill's blog...not sure - but he tweeted it (or some internet shit like that) and I like it.
...Modern-day femi commentary makes me happy
...If I got boners I'd still have a hard-on for this site
...don't know who this is or how I found it but I always like it
...always interesting reads...this link is about la roux
...Crista sent me this one...NYC blogger...sugary sweet (too much so for most of you guys?)

Hope you enjoy the time kills.


terese said...

on top of all these greats
you must see
so dreamy, so mysterious!

Extreme Ash said...

Thank you Terese!

cristabell said...

haha are you reading gala now?