I digress. Here are the nominees for this week's Blog of the Week:
Tucker Jaymes gets me every time with his Inspirations...

She self-nominated herself last night and I couldn't agree more. More posts than 1 week could handle!
He's warned us - a sexually frustrated man may be moving back to the MPLS:

Damian has had a nice set of pics up this week...fun to look at.

How could this not be on here??? I mean - Evil Bong 2 - that shit is just genius.

This is a friend of Louisa's. I've looked at his blog every so often and each time I want to meet him and have him make me food. Always beautiful photos, explanations of the process, and usually some funny commentary.

Not only were there a TON of photos on her blog this week, they were AMAZING (Hall and Oates alone could have won it for her).
Congratulations to the one and only WEEZE for the gold medal this week.
(NYC pics (day 4) coming tonight).
[Ed. Note]
I really like Ben's blog too. I think it'll be on future BOTWs.
I'm happy to say that I was involved in the Hall and Oates incident, and I hereby, for like the first time, am not disagreeing with your choice, though it should be noted that I also had this up my sleeve.
you should have busted it out! you might have won!
oh my god - that just made me laugh out loud REALLY loudly at work. how does BOTW Runner Up sound? That's still pretty prestigious.
I'll take a runner up position. Me and Louisa RULE THE INTERWEB.
when do i get to rule?
btw, i don't actually know pete, of pete bakes. i stumbled across his blog and i have an internet crush on him. he has a food porn blog and he likes law and order svu! i should send him an email telling him about botw.
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