Thursday, July 30, 2009

Finance Fun

Take the word "Fun" and replace it with "Hell" and it's a little more accurate.

Money I have in the bank: $1,036.00
Money I owe (like TODAY):
Rent: $500.00
Student Loans (past due): $250.00
Centerpoint Energy (waaay past due): $230.00
Xcel (past due): ??? I'm gonna pay $50.00 (it's closer to $450.00)


Luckily for me my auto-bill payments for car insurance and other student loans have already cleared for the month, as has my obligatory $100.00 credit card payment (just in time, if I hadn't paid it yesterday I would have maxed out when my interest went through today).

Next paycheck: Is cut 8/5 and will arrive by 8/10 and hopefully clear by 8/11.

Fault: Entirely my own.
My check card purchases in the past week include:
Coffee - 4 times
Food - 8 times
Alcohol - 4 times
Food & Alcohol - 3 times
Misc - 3 times
Gas - 2 times
(19/24 purchases involve eating/drinking...out of control).
Moral: Please don't invite me to do anything that costs anything the next two weeks (unless your Sam - then you're paying for it).

I really hope my mom doesn't read this.


ag said...


Scott said...

Credit Cards suck. Up until about 3 months ago my card was flipping around and within about 50 dollars of its max and it sat that way for about two years.

typoscura said...

MAXED OUT FOR LIFE. Big time. For fuckin' yearrrrsssssssss. I already gave up.

Extreme Ash said...

Being hip is SO fucking expensive, it hurts - I'm over it - no longer hip (just poor).

and F credit cards - I'm dumb for ever getting one.

Dus said...

Can we still be friends?

Also, you owe me 50 dollars.

Unknown said...

yeah....same here check hopefully won't clear until next Thursday when I get another paycheck...1,600 a month for rent was I thinking? what is wrong with me?

But also coffee/alcohol/dinners are to blame for my lame cash flow.
I need to stick to a budget but I like buying things so much.