Monday, August 3, 2009

BLOG OF THE WEEK (on time)

It's Monday, which means I'm doing BOTW (as opposed to other weeks - when I do BOTW on any day after Monday).

Looking at
Terese's blog really made me want to head to my parent's place for a bonfire in the next week. Escape from "the city" for a night sounds pretty nice. Just a really nice sense of calm in her neck of the woods.

No one is more mysterious than
Juri (I really mean that). Dates with green tea ice cream, trips to Iceland, solo sessions to music fests - this guy knows how to live.

I've known this guy since I was 16. It's been really great to grow up (and go through life) with him. Can't wait for
August 29th.

Here's a LOL from

So this is a combo blog/fbook post - but since the
babe has uploaded 300 some pics to FB (and we all know blogger sucks to load large quantities of photos to) I'm going to count the pics and the text as a blog post.

Someone else knows what I'm talking this article about 2-D love...I'm obsessed with Japan right now.
On a semi-related note - a few of my friends have new blogs you might enjoy.
Adam is a die-hard Wisconsinite who is very funny:
Max is always stylish, always charming, and moving to Austin this week:

I had a fun idea - why don't I let you guys vote for BOTW this week???
Then I realized like 12 people read my blog (sporadically at best) and decided I'd just declare a winner per usual.

Cody PUKES in the airport (again). Hands down - bloggieblogworld (and her world travels) win again.

1 comment:

Cody Girl said...

Im pretty sure it says I peed my pants somewhere on that note too...
a lot of laughing was involved beforehand mind you