Last months GET CRYPHY. We had NO motivation to go, and then Damian told us that he and Wizzard were going. WHAT THE! If they're going we have to go (was the general consensus). Guess
who didn't show up?

Kyndra and Janessa jammin^

AGGRO Nate and Dustin^

This is the start of the sweat factory ^

Hunkle was in the sweat factory^

So was Mike^

I was the Mayor of Sweat.



Until the real Mayor showed his face^

I think what she means is "Holy Shit, it is hot as hell up in this VIP"

and I'm saying "Hell yeah it is, let's peace out"
That is not how the night ended. But it makes for good photo narration.
1 comment:
sweat machines--
and too
and right now
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