Monday, August 10, 2009

I heart NoMi and Zombies (or a trip to Donny Dirk's Zombie Den)

An internet battle ensued last week on Facebook over my use of NoMi (or NOMI) in reference to the location of the new bar, Donny Dirk's Zombie Den (at the old Stand Up Frank's location). The bar is located off of Broadway and N 2nd in a neighborhood that could be described as Hawthorne, Camden, Northeast, or North Minneapolis...and is referred to as NoMi/NOMI by the residents since 2007/2008.

I would like to take the time to apologize to both Sam and Ryan for being more educated about my city than they are. Though Sam was born a mere stones-throw from NoMi, he scoffed (yes scoffed) at my use of the term. Ryan too - though he can be excused because he lives in South. He is also excused because it has been previously established that Ryan's opinion never counts. JS.

Ryan told me that I had to find 3 references of NoMi on the internet to prove that I didn't make it up. Here ya go:
1. Read the intro paragraph.
2. Scroll to the first review.
3. Read the title.
4. The gays know.
5. This is just too easy.
6. Seriously - you guys are dumb.
7. Buy a house in NOMI.
8. Video
9. NoMi's getting pretty.
10. Even Wikipedia has it.

So there you have it. NoMi is a real place, and even more importantly, it's a real place with a new bar. I've been driving past Donny Dirk's as they've been making changes the past few weeks (fresh coat of avocado green paint on the exterior, followed by their new sign, and eventually security outside at the door). Once I saw signs of life (get's a zombie bar) I knew it was time to make the trip.

Sam, Ryan, Dave, Kyndra, Nora, Amber and I headed over last week and I loved what I saw. Rad decor without going too overboard, cheap drinks, zombie movies playing, and huge chalices of beer. Food delivered from Psycho Suzi's til 11, and frozen pizzas after that. A bar ass bar always makes me happy, and this seems to be a little cooler than that. Two thumbs up - who wants to go next week?


platinumseagulls said...

You're always SO humble.

Extreme Ash said...

It's part of my charm.

Sam said...

just cause some assholes on the internet dubbed it something, doesnt mean it doesnt sound fucking stupid. its the north side. fucking assholes. be proud of it and dont try to make it sound like some posh spot.

take pride in where you're from and everything it entails. we're not in new york. its far from SOHO.

rant over.

Sam said...

also. that place ruled. the bar that is
also. i didnt even know you took photos.
also. im not nearly as upset as that last comment makes me seem. im sure there are very nice people in hawthorne. you just wont hear me call it nomi. ever.

Extreme Ash said...

sam, i heart you.
also, they got the idea for NoMi from WeHo (West Hollywood). That's WAY cooler than SOHO (duh).

most importantly that place did rule and I can't wait to go back.

Anonymous said...

And who might "they" be?

Unknown said...

WeHo=Gay dudes and singer songwriter bars where cool people played music in the 70s.

Just sayin-
Photos made this place look cool. I just wanna be with you. :)

MeganG. said...

Oh boy.. where to start... to Extreme Ash - you are right - about the bar (Donny Dirk's) and about NoMi.

To Sam... deal with it - "they" meaning, we, the people who live here, call it NoMi. As of now. As of yesterday. As of a few months ago. Just suck it up and deal with it. If you think it's not cool, so be it, you can think that. But it's NoMi. Not North Minneapolis.

So now you know, and now, you GOT TO NOMI.

p.s. The proof is all over the 'net, check it out, and if you think it's just assholes on the internet, then guess what, a bunch of assholes live in NoMi.

Johnny Northside said...

Look, I just want to point out that "NoMi" is only four letters, and it's very convenient to write and to say. It's not a yuppie trend thing it's just...catching on because it's cool and easy.

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